65 Mins
The Quads & The Psoas - The Body-Leg Connection
Often when we practice we can identify with an area that is being ‘worked’, or we can identify an area in our body where we feel ‘something’ - whether it be from a feel of lengthening, contraction, discomfort or total ease. In each case our awareness is shifting and the more we can get inside our body the more we can look around and discover what is going on. We may notice we have ‘tight’ quads, or hip flexors and a lack of movement in our spines but when we stretch our minds inside we can see how everything is connected and we can open much more of ourselves. Here we focus on front body lengtheners that target the quads and the psoas and also incorporate chest openers, back bends and twists. This frees the chest and the lungs to lift and expand, helps free the shoulders too, something you probably wouldn’t expect when stretching the front of your thigh.
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