Hatha Flow
My own yoga practice expresses a love for movement and flow. Through this I teach with the same feeling for connecting the natural flow of the breath with the rhythmical movement of the body in to asanas (postures). Postures are primarily linked through Vinyasas (breath synchronised movement). Sequences within the class are mindfully created to week by week concentrate on and build upon the opening, strengthening and balancing of the different elements within the body. Whilst establishing the body’s need to bend, stretch and lift in all directions; forwards, backwards, upwards, downwards and round in twists. Through this the body is helped to facilitate a natural cleansing and detoxification process that allows the practitioner to feel lighter and freer, releasing the individual of physical tension layer by layer.
With close attention given to alignment with the use of props and supports where necessary the rehabilitating effects of Yoga for the spine and joints following injury, surgery, pregnancy and birth can be felt and incorporated in to a recovery program as well as a long-term preventative path to other illnesses and injuries. The benefits of doing Yoga cannot be highlighted enough, gaining flexibility, stamina and strength for the body are immense and its ability to relax, invigorate and destress you are all benefits you can experience immediately.
“Success in yoga is not obtained by the near theoretical reading of sacred texts. Success is not obtained by wearing the dress of a yogi or a sanyasi (a recluse), nor by talking about it.
Constant practice alone is the secret of success.”
In Person
Mondays 7.45 - 9pm / Wednesdays 9.30 - 10.45am
Live Online via Zoom
Thursday 8 - 9.15pm
Classes are open level which means both beginners and intermediate/more advanced practitioners are welcome. I teach with a clear alignment focus which allows everyone to practice both safely and confidently. Building upon a strong foundation before practicing and moving in to or towards deeper and more challenging postures, should you wish.
All you need is a mat (I have spares if you need to borrow one initially), bare feet and comfortable clothing fit for making shapes in. I have blocks, bricks, straps and blankets for when props are required. Classes are 60 or 75 minutes long and phones are requested to be off during class so everyone can practice peacefully.
If you would like to drop in to classes or join a block you are very welcome to. Block bookings usually coincide with the school term but amendments or adjustments can be made for holidays and days away. During COVID times classes in person are booked week by week and the block system has been replaced by an online studio for those who want to come regularly and access recordings month by month.