Yamuna 101 : The Arms (Freeing the shoulders, neck and upper back)

Yamuna 101 : The Arms (Freeing the shoulders, neck and upper back)


In this class we will learn how to release tension in the shoulders, all the way down to the finger tips. If you have ever experienced tension in your neck or shoulders you will know that the discomfort can radiate down the arms to the wrist and fingers. I often share exercises that involve releasing shoulder and neck tension by stretching and opening the palm. With the balls and the systematic approach through the Yamuna method we will start by releasing tension all round the shoulder joint and then move towards the hands piece by piece, feeling along the way the parts most affected by poor postural habits, long periods sat at a computer, heavy lifting, sports or even by the way we sleep. Working in this way can provide immediate relief for the neck, as well as for tendinitis and other inflammatory problems that can occur with overuse of any of the joints. This practice is blissful, you will also notice the lift through the sideline (ribs and hips) and the effect on your feet.

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