This is an all encompassing workshop to work all sides of the torso, front, back and sides with the Yamuna Body Rolling Method. Everything in our body is related to another part and working one area can in fact free tension in another that we hadn’t perhaps anticipated. Ultimately I want everyone to feel how through various methods of lifting, aligning and toning in the trunk we can create tremendous amounts of freedom and release throughout the entire body.
We will look at the abdominals and how we can work in this area to ease discomfort in the lower back, pelvis and hips. Moving up through the side body in to the chest, arm pits, shoulders, upper back and neck to counter the effects of shrinking and to free tension in those areas most commonly related to stress. As always the breath is also key.
All balls are provided. Spaces are limited and booking is essential.
The Learning Rooms, Winchester Discovery Centre, Winchester