Squatting and the path to Bakasana, the ultimate balancing squat
45 Mins
Moving Across Space - Mobilising Joints
Mobilising our muscles and connective joints and tissues with repetitive fluid movements that help us move through the whole body. Feeling space and extension open up as fascia gets juiced and movements become freer.
45 Mins
Shoulder/Balance Blast
Moving our arms in all directions, focusing on mobility around the joint as well as strengthening and toning the arms. We practice mobility drills, mixing up how we practice traditional poses and finish with some wrappy pretzel type poses just for fun :-)
45 Mins
1/2 Lotus, Lotus Prep
Hip opening focused on working towards 1/2 lotus and full lotus. These are the final postures we attempt, along the way we focus on those movements that open and soften the hip joint, mobilise the legs in different directions as well as open the whole front body.
45 Mins
The Power of the Legs
Strong legs are integral to a strong core, they make function and movement so much more efficient when combined with flexibility. This will make your abdominals stronger and is a lot of fun to practice this sequence regularly.
45 Mins
Hippy Dippy
This will get you deep in to your hips joints, hip flexors and hip rotaors. We explore a way of practising standing poses on the floor that opens you up in a way you could never do whilst standing. Allowing for much greater freedom of movement and even the possibility of moving in to half lotus (maybe even full lotus).
50 Mins
Tree Posing
Everything moves around the humble tree pose in this practice, combining hip opening, inner leg lengthening with side stretches is the perfect marriage. If we can work with the hip rotators and lengthen the inner thigh we can then begin to increase the distance between the pelvis and the ribcage, preventing ‘shrinkage’ and helping us to remain lifted and giving all our vital organs the space to function well.
60 Mins
A Touch of Yin - Nice Poses to Stay In
Sometimes it feels good just to stay a little longer. Staying longer can happen when the conditions of feeling comfortable are met and we can give our body the time it needs to let go and become more passive. In order to stay longer the poses should be more accessible for all, comfortable enough that you can stay in them, as opposed to strenuous poses that you wish to rush through. The Yin element is connecting you to the body and breath that allows to a more peaceful state of being.
50 Mins
Open Palms Open Arms Pits Open Chest
Every action we make is connected to the next and in movement every body part we connect to and work with, links us to another along the chain. Whether this be kinaesthetic, muscular or skeletal. We can practice with total focus and mindfulness on how we can open the body this way. Here as the title suggests we look at the role of opening the palms and arm pits to open the chest and shoulders.
50 Mins
Hip Angles - Range & Movement
Some repetitive, almost meditative, prescriptive movement patterns for the hips. Creating strength and mobility in the hip joint by moving and rotating the legs in different directions in different poses. Adding in some forward folding and seeing how this mobility helps us going forward as well as moving in all directions.
45 Mins
Piriformis - Outer Leg Stretch
The piriformis is a muscle that runs from your lower spine through your butt to the top of your outer thigh. It aids in almost every movement of your lower body and the sciatic nerve runs underneath it. It is a muscle I have become more and more aware of the more I ride on a spin bike. Often our injuries or niggles are our biggest learning tool and it highlights where we may be loading or over using certain parts of our body and where we need to seek balance or healing. This is an indulgent class for me because all of these stretches target the piriformis and outer leg/IT band, easing tension in the hip rotators and lower back.
45 Mins
Compression to Expansion
In this sequencing we explore hugging in and stretching out the legs. It is helpful to explore poses that require long extension of our limbs by first feeling how it feels to shorten the leg first, going from small to big. Still stretching but in a different way, we notice and feel different sensations in the body.
45 Mins
Free and Open Upper Back
This is fun class and recorded in the first week of the new year so great for when you have some energy to expend and you also want a jump start. Energetic standing poses and transitions with a focus on opening the upper back and the back of our body is our focus. We also explore lifting the chest and not always moving immediately with our heads in and out of postures.